ABC Klubhuis @Antwerp Art Weekend!
Well well neighbours in our beautiful old dorp by the Schelde, Antwerp Art weekend is right around the corner!
ABC Klubhuis will be taking part in the fun all weekend, presenting Helgi Thorsson's exhibition Groot of Klein, a true visual arts adventure in which we embark on a lente tot zomer adventure :-0
However, Friday will be a special day!
From 12 to 18'o clock you can find brand new visual art editions at Klubhuis!
Helgi will release a brand new publication called 'Vleermuis in het varkenshuis' as well as ABC Klubhuis members will be presenting to you beautiful editions of their making.
While all this is going down we'll serve soup for homeless!
For the ones joining in from afar or visiting the huis for the first time, it's easy!
ABC Klubhuis is only a stone's throw away from Meir and Central Station, at Sint-Jacobsmarkt 59
On the way? Here are our opening hours during the Antwerp Art Weekend are:
Thu. 18:00-21:00.
Fri. 12:00-18:00.
Sat. 12:00-18:00.
Sun. 12:00-18:00.
Need more info about Groot of Klein, "Who is Helgi Thorsson" you ask?
Well that's easy to answer, here you go:
Helgi is an Icelandic visual artist whom has been swinging his brush and chisel for the past two decades. You might even be familiar with Helgi through the classic tunes of Stilluppsteypa or Evil Madness which he is a part of. However for ABC Klubhuis Helgi will strictly be focusing on the visual arts, presenting new works inspired by sweet old lente.
Helgi was travelling with the Smyril Line, when we caught up with him on the phone a few weeks back. He told us that he is working in small working spaces these days and had to make some of his ideas in miniature models, his studio is the size of a toddler at the moment: “...however in the final stages of preparation for the exhibition it will all be made in the right scale…”
See you soon at the huis !
Now! Groot of klein by Helgi Thorsson, an exhibition only running for 3 weeks - Do not miss it! |
Groot of klein 04.05 - 24.05. 2019
Dear friends of the ABC Klubhuis, grab your filofax and mark next Saturday as from 17.00 o’clock we will embark on yet another visual art adventure this time with Helgi Thorsson! Come by and take a look!
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Coming up this Saturday, on the 27.04.2019: the finnissage of Wait a minute by Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir, come by from 14.00! |
Wait a minute 30.03 — 27.04.2019
Combining colors and forms Jóhanna creates a personal visual language commenting on painting and sculptures alike. Come by and take a look!
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Krijt in de broek 02.02.2019 18.00-23.00
Even though Aurélie Salavert, Ines Claus and Yannick Ganseman all wear different pants we wouldn't be surprised if there was a krijdt in their zakjes!
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ABC Klubhuis moves to Amsterdam for a single night at De Brakke Grond on Saturday to celebrate Museum Night ! - Tickets are sold out - send an email to rsvp@brakkegrond.nl and put your name on the Guestlist ! |
ABC Dixi Night: Grote Avond 03.11.2018 19:00-02:00
ABC Klubhuis moves to Amsterdam for a single night at De Brakke Grond on Saturday to celebrate Museum Night !
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Next up: "From the Closet" opening on the 28.09.2018 !!!! |
From the Closet 28.09-01.11
Bernice Nauta
Charline Tyberghein
Indrikis Gelzis
Katrein Breukers
Lisa Dellugat
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Baldvin Einarsson steps on the ABC stage with 'Zalige Dromen'!!! on the 9th of June !!!! |
Zalige Dromen 09.06-14.07
Come for a 'Weekend met ABC' next Friday at De Studio !!! |
Weekend met ABC 25.05-27.05, 2018
Selection of participating artists...
Held at De Studio, Maarschalk Gerardstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen.
Fri 25th: 12.00 - 21.00
Sat 26th: 12.00 - 18.00, 21.00 - 01.00
Sun 27th: 12.00 - 18.00
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RED TO BROWN 07.04-12.05, 2018
Kim David Bots, Pieter Jennes, Thé van Bergen, Veronik Willems
07.04 at 18.00
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ABC KLUBHUIS at COLLECTIBLE 07.03-11.03, 2018
ABC KLUBHUIS will take part in Collectible, a new fair for contemporary design!!
07.03 at 15.00
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ABC LOUNGE KLUB Finissage on 19.01 @ 20.00! |
ABC LOUNGE KLUB 08.12.2017
ABC KLUBHUIS turnes into ABC LOUNGE KLUB with the help of a vast selection of artists!
08.12 at 18.00
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UNCLEAR CLARITY Finissage on 17.11 @ 20.00! |
Aline Bouvy, Geran Knol, Timo van Grinsven
14.10 at 20.00
17.11 at 20.00
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ABC HONKEYTONK Finissage on 06.10 @ 20.00! |
ABC HONKEYTONK 14.10-17.11
Baldvin Einarsson, Guðlaug Mía Eyþórsdóttir, Helgi Þórsson, Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir, Valgerður Sigurðardóttir
02.09-06.10, 2017 at 20.00
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